Thursday, 30 July 2015

Still here , just been lazy

As the title suggests I have just been to lazy to post for quite a while . That does not mean that there has not been much happening.
For this post I will show a few pic's of a all wheel pick up I have done to a DJH  442 loco I purchased a few years ago already done . I installed a NCE decoder to it but as we all know the standard pick up is fairly average to say the least it would barely run , so it has sat in the storage yard for a while . The other night I had a look to see if I could convert to all wheel pick up , with the bogies being all metal   trying to nut out which way to do it I came up with the following , drill & tap the bogies on the side frame supports that come out from the main body to 2mm and using 1/16 styrene rod I drilled a 15 thou hole about 4mm up from the bottom then threaded it into the 2mm tapped hole then snipped off to length . After repeating on all 8 holes I inserted 15 thou phosfer bronze wire through the holes so that there was slight pressure on the tops of the wheels . Then soldered the wires to the decoder pick ups on the wire.
Well next was the big test on the layout to see if it would work ! WOW what a difference the loco now runs like a dream well worth the effort .
Hopefully the few photos below help explain a bit better.
make sure that you drill the holes along the centre line of the wheels front to back

the finished product
all that is left to do is paint the syrene rod black .
Till next time BOOLY

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