Sunday, 27 January 2013

Layout progress

As mentioned in a previous post i made the decision to rebuild the centre section of the layout.A freind of mine who is a carpenter came to my asistance & built the whole lot for me and i must say he has done a fantastic job.The whole section was made in 2 sections at his factory & transported to my house in a pantec truck and screwed together in about 10 minutes.Then we spent a lot of time to get it level(my garage floor is far from level).The main suport legs are 70x35 structural pine,top deck & branch frames are 42x19 pine.The main structural strength comes frome the backdrops for the branch line 16mm MDF which runs the length of the structure the result is a very sturdy setup.I have begun to construct the branch line with risers upto 7mm ply for the track bed with the rest of the area to be filled with extuded foam to have the scenery rising & falling along the track.Here is a few photos.
Till next time Booly.

The 2 main base sections the top deck frame in lower right
Rear main frame
Leveling up the frame

All in top deck frame screwed on
Top deck frame,this will have 12mm structural ply screwed on
Working out the track plan with cardboard templates
Risers installed & 7mm ply track bed
Track down ready for the extruded foam for scenery,all track had power droppers installed before the track was layed. 

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